Feb 26 2016
Installation and Live Taping | E.S.P. TV Presents: You Don’t Say Much, Do You?
Fri | 12-9pm
12-7 Installation and Live Studio Set
7-9 Live Taping Event
With Douglas Davis, Nick Hallett, Lary 7, Sara Ludy, Brock Monroe, Leyna Marika Papach, “Clouds and Crowds” directed by Alexander Waterman, Damon Zucconi.

12-7 Installation and Live Studio Set
7-9 Live Taping Event
Please join us as E.S.P. TV turns SI into the studio set for a live taping of their eponymous live television show and performance.
You Don’t Say Much, Do You?, an installation for a two-channel video and teleprompter, will be on view to visitors in the hours leading up to the live event. As E.S.P. TV goes “on air” this piece will transform into the set of the night’s performance.
A program containing selections from E.S.P. TV’s nearly 100-episode archive will also be on view in the downstairs screening room.
Please RSVP to rsvp@swissinstitute.net.
Note: All attendees of the live taping may appear on camera and broadcast television.
E.S.P. TV hybridizes technologies old and new, contemporary and obsolete, to realize the live television studio as a site for performance-based works. Directed by Scott Kiernan and Victoria Keddie, E.S.P. TV utilizes a mobile television studio to explore transmission, analog and digital media, and broadcast. Through an ongoing series of live television taping events, E.S.P. TV places the control room of the TV studio on center stage, making the means of production into a vehicle for performance. E.S.P. TV has held over 80 live taping events internationally and has aired over 90 episodes to date. In addition to live tapings and screenings, E.S.P. TV has initiated the TUBE Archive as a means for republishing works and ephemera from early artist-based engagements with broadcast media.
E.S.P. TV has worked with various venues and institutions including: The Whitney Museum of American Art, New Museum, Museum of Arts and Design, Printed Matter, Millennium Film Workshop, New School, Recess, Camera Club (New York, NY); Interstate Projects, Spectacle Theater, Issue Project Room, Knockdown Center, Flux Factory, Roulette (Brooklyn, NY); Franklin Street Works (Stamford, CT), Liminal Space (Oakland, CA), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco, CA), Human Resources (Los Angeles, CA), Ballroom Marfa, Marfa Public Radio, (Marfa, TX), Museum of Human Achievement (Austin, TX), S1(Portland, OR), Nightingale Cinema (Chicago, IL), MoCAD (Detroit MI), General Public (Berlin), STORE (Dresden), Studio XX (Montreal), Kling and Bang Gallery (Reykjavik) and Pallas Projects (Dublin).
Image Credit: E.S.P. TV Live Taping at Reykjavik Arts Festival, 2014 by Ólöf Kristín Helgadóttir
E.S.P. TV #98
E.S.P. TV #99