May 29 2024

Launch and Performance | Wyrm Magazine with Jasper Spicero

Wed | 7PM

Please join us for the launch of Wyrm Magazine, Scrappers & Villagers, published by Wyrm Farm at the onset of its growing season. 

To commemorate the launch of Wyrm Magazine, Scrappers & Villagers, contributor Jasper Spicero will perform a table reading of his new screenplay “Logic Before Authority.” Six actors—led by Spicero—will gather on the occasion of their admission into a fictional school to read the artist’s screenplay, which is considered a historical text in their world. The table reading includes wooden guns handmade by Taisei Komatsu.

Wyrm Magazine, Scrappers & Villagers includes contributions by Joseph Buckley, Claire Dougherty, Ben Roylance, Jasper Spicero, Lillian Paige Walton and Souchou Yao. 

Wyrm Magazine, Scrappers & Villagers
Spring/Summer 2024
Cover by Wretched Worm
5.25 x 7.625 in, 132 pages, softcover
ISSN: 2834-2747
Published by Wyrm Farm

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Wyrm is a small organic farm based in Hudson, New York. Its CSA program distributes vegetables and a biannual magazine from the rooftop of Swiss Institute.
Jasper Spicero (Yankton, South Dakota, 1990) creates sculptures and installations that become props and backdrops in videos that follow actors within labyrinths of schools, hospitals, prisons, and mental health facilities. Spicero chooses environments and institutions that purport the hope of transformative change. Through his fascination with video game-like narratives and his use of emptied, simplified orchestral music, he makes those promises strange and unfamiliar.
Spicero works in New York and Los Angeles. He had solo exhibitions at Swiss Institute, New York; Mother Culture, LA; Time Square Space, New York; Johan Berggren, Malmo; New Galerie, Paris; Wapato Jail, Portland; duo-exhibitions with Bunny Rogers at Arcadia Missa, London; with Alex Dolan at 4649, Tokyo; with Win McCarthy, at The Rudolph Steiner Bookstore, New York; and created installations at LUMA Westbau, Zurich and Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris.
Image: Jasper Spicero, Depiction of Commander Dizzy, 2024, courtesy of the artist.