Nov 30 2021
SI & Culture Pass | Gala Porras-Kim: I want to prepare to learn something I don’t know / Quiero prepararme para aprender algo que no conozco
Tues | 3PM

Swiss Institute is delighted to present an artist talk by Gala Porras-Kim in collaboration with Culture Pass, an initiative led by the Brooklyn Public Library, the Queens Public Library and the New York Public Library. The program, which will be conducted in Spanish, considers Porras-Kim’s interdisciplinary, research-based practice, which inventively links archeological, cultural and linguistic transmission. Paying particular attention to institutional structures and apparatuses of display, Porras-Kim lays bare the estrangement these artifacts undergo within such systems.
El Swiss Institute se complace en presentar una charla de la artista Gala Porras-Kim en colaboración con Culture Pass, una iniciativa de: Brooklyn Public Library, Queens Public Library y New York Public Library. El programa, que será en español, aborda la práctica interdisciplinaria de Porras-Kim, basada en su labor investigativa, que vincula creativamente transmisiones arqueológicas, culturales y lingüísticas. Al focalizar su atención en las estructuras institucionales y el despliegue de dispositivos expositivos, Porras-Kim expone el extrañamiento que dichos artefactos sufren en el marco de estos sistemas.
This program will be held on Zoom, to register, please click here.
El programa se realizará por Zoom. Para registrarse, pulse el siguiente link.
Gala Porras-Kim (b. 1984 in Bogota, Colombia) lives and works in Los Angeles. She received an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts and an MA in Latin American Studies from UCLA. Her research-based practice focuses on the social and cultural contexts that shape how sounds, language, and history have been represented in a variety of disciplines, from linguistics to history and museum conservation. Porras-Kim’s work has been exhibited widely in solo and group exhibitions over the last decade and is included in collections world-wide. In New York, her work is included in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art as well as the Brooklyn Museum. She has been the recipient of numerous grants, was a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University (2019) and is currently artist in residence at the Getty Research Institute (2020-22).
Gala Porras-Kim (1984, Bogotá, Colombia) vive y trabaja en Los Ángeles. Obtuvo un MFA en el California Institute of the Arts y un MA en Estudios Latinoamericanos en UCLA. Su labor de investigación se enfoca en los contextos sociales y culturales que configuran el cómo han sido representados el sonido, lenguaje e historia en diversas disciplinas que abarcan desde lo lingüístico, la historia, hasta la conservación museística. El trabajo de Porras-Kim ha sido exhibido ampliamente en muestras individuales y colectivas en la última década y ha sido incluido en colecciones a nivel mundial. En Nueva York, su trabajo es parte de las colecciones del Whitney Museum of American Art, al igual que del Brooklyn Museum. Ha ganado varias becas, ha sido fellow del Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, de Harvard University (2019) y actualmente realiza una residencia de artista en el Getty Research Institute (2020-22).