Jürg Lehni and Alex Rich
Sep 19 - Oct 31 2009
The work of Jürg Lehni and Alex Rich (born 1978 / 1977, live in London and Penarth) playfully addresses the development of printing technology, as well as the interface between machine and user. In Empty Words (2009), a plotter punches characters into paper, mechanically visualizing the artists’ favorite song titles. The sheets are installed as a narrative panorama on the gallery walls. Visitors are invited to produce their own artworks and to find the balance between auto-manifestation and technological constraint.

Jürg Lehni and Alex Rich, Empty Words, installation view 2, 2009

Jürg Lehni and Alex Rich, Empty Words, detail view, 2009

Jürg Lehni and Alex Rich, Empty Words, detail view, 2009