Now Online: Lee “Scratch” Perry, Video Sampler from my TV sculptures, 2019

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The next installment of SI’s weekly moving image presentation is a three-part video sampler by Lee “Scratch” Perry that was displayed on one of Perry’s TV sculptures during his first institutional solo exhibition, MIRROR MASTER FUTURES YARD (April 19 – June 02, 2019). Together, these videos depict Perry’s daily life in the town of Einsiedeln, Switzerland. Oscillating between his studio and the landscape surrounding his home, Perry’s spontaneous recordings demonstrate the confluence between his music and art making, highlighting Perry’s signature techniques of re-mixing, re-versioning and modulating existing materials.

Part one: 00:00 – 5:01
Part two: 5:02 – 7:18
Part three: 7:19 – 36:23

Parts one and two are courtesty of the artist, and the edit of part three is courtesy of the Archive of Volker Schaner.

TV Sculpture, 2019. Flatscreen TV, cloth, rocks, driftwood, shells, stickers, feathers, ginger, aluminium crosses, additional mixed media. Selected recordings from the Archive of Volker Schaner.